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πŸ”₯ Sentiment Rating Prompts


This section covers the prompts for "Sentiment Rating" task.

Sentiment Rating is a task in natural language processing which involves assigning a score (for example, in the range of 0 to 5) for the given text. Depending on the sentiment expressed in the text, the score is assigned.

For example, the text expressing (i) positive sentiment gets a score close to 5 and (ii) negative sentiment gets a score close to 0. For example, a score of 4.1 represents positive sentiment and a score of 1.2 represents negative sentiment. For this task, you can write a prompt like this


You are an expert English linguist. Give a sentiment rating in the range of 0 to 5 to the given tweet.  
High rating represents positive sentiment, low resource represents negative sentiment and moderate scores 
represent neutral sentiment. 

Tweet: β˜€οΈ **Starting the day off with a grateful heart and a positive mind. Today is going to be a great 
day!** #positivevibes #newbeginnings #mindsetmatters

Constraints: First generate the rating with the delimiter β€œSentiment Rating” and then generate the explanation 
with the delimiter β€œExplanation”.

Sentiment Rating: 
Sentiment Rating: 5
Explanation: The tweet uses several positive words and phrases, such as "grateful heart," "positive mind," 
"great day," "positive vibes," "new beginnings," and "mindset matters." The use of the sun emoji also 
suggests a positive mood. Overall, the tweet conveys a strong sense of optimism and hope for the future.