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πŸ“ Writing Assistant


This section covers how to craft prompts for writing assistant tasks like email writing, blogging, proof reading and editing.

Chat LLMs being trained on large volumes of text data has good writing skills. All these writing skills come in handy in many writing tasks like email writing, blogging, proofreading and editing etc. Let us see how to write prompts for three different writing tasks: email writing, blog writing, and proofreading and editing.

βœ… Email Writing

Day-to-day work life involves email writing. Email writing involves writing compelling subject lines, drafting emails and replying to emails. Manually doing all these tasks from scratch takes a lot of time and effort. Chat LLMs can save you a lot of time with their exceptional email writing abilities. Let us see how to craft prompts for various email writing tasks.

➑️ Writing an Email

You are a student pursuing under graduation, have a lot of passion towards artificial intelligence and have done some projects related to large language models. You want to write an email to a professor asking for a research internship. For this, you can write a prompt like this


You are an expert in English. Write an email in a formal tone to a professor of artificial intelligence 
asking for a research internship. The student is pursuing under graduation, has a lot of passion towards 
artificial intelligence, and has done some projects related to large language models.



Dear Professor <Professor's last name>,

My name is <Your name>, and I am a <Year> year undergraduate student at <University name> majoring in <Major>. 
I am writing to express my strong interest in pursuing a research internship opportunity in your lab, 
specifically focusing on the exciting field of large language models (LLMs).

Ever since encountering the potential of LLMs through various courses and personal projects, I have been 
captivated by their transformative potential across diverse domains. Having familiarized myself with 
the fundamental concepts underlying LLMs and explored their applications through projects like <Project 1> 
and <Project 2>, I am eager to delve deeper into their research and development.

My passion for AI extends beyond the classroom. I am actively involved in AI-related extracurricular 
activities like <Activity 1> and <Activity 2>, where I have honed my skills in <Skill 1> and <Skill 2>. 
Additionally, I have consistently maintained a strong academic record with a GPA of [GPA] and demonstrated 
a keen interest in research through <Past research experience>.

I believe my strong foundation in AI principles, coupled with my enthusiasm and dedication towards research, 
makes me a valuable asset to your lab. I am confident that I can adapt quickly to your research environment 
and contribute meaningfully to your ongoing projects.

I am particularly interested in exploring the following areas within the field of LLMs:

- <Specific area 1>
- <Specific area 2>
- <Specific area 3>

I have attached my CV for your consideration, which further details my academic background, skills, and 
research experience. I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience and would be grateful 
for the opportunity to discuss my qualifications in more detail.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


<Your name>

➑️ Generating Compelling Subject Lines

You are a student pursuing under graduation, have a lot of passion towards artificial intelligence and have done some projects related to large language models. You have already drafted an email to a professor asking for a research internship. Now, you want to generate a compelling subject line for the email. For this, you can write a prompt like this


You are an expert in English. I will give you the email I have written to a professor of artificial intelligence asking for a research internship. Generate a compelling subject line in formal tone for the given email.


Dear Professor <Professor's last name>,

My name is <Your name>, and I am a <Year> year undergraduate student at <University name> majoring in <Major>. 
I am writing to express my strong interest in pursuing a research internship opportunity in your lab, 
specifically focusing on the exciting field of large language models (LLMs).

Ever since encountering the potential of LLMs through various courses and personal projects, I have been 
captivated by their transformative potential across diverse domains. Having familiarized myself with 
the fundamental concepts underlying LLMs and explored their applications through projects like <Project 1> 
and <Project 2>, I am eager to delve deeper into their research and development.

My passion for AI extends beyond the classroom. I am actively involved in AI-related extracurricular 
activities like <Activity 1> and <Activity 2>, where I have honed my skills in <Skill 1> and <Skill 2>. 
Additionally, I have consistently maintained a strong academic record with a GPA of [GPA] and demonstrated 
a keen interest in research through <Past research experience>.

I believe my strong foundation in AI principles, coupled with my enthusiasm and dedication towards research, 
makes me a valuable asset to your lab. I am confident that I can adapt quickly to your research environment 
and contribute meaningfully to your ongoing projects.

I am particularly interested in exploring the following areas within the field of LLMs:

- <Specific area 1>
- <Specific area 2>
- <Specific area 3>

I have attached my CV for your consideration, which further details my academic background, skills, and 
research experience. I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience and would be grateful 
for the opportunity to discuss my qualifications in more detail.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


<Your name>

Subject Line:


"Seeking Research Internship Opportunity in Large Language Models (LLMs) - Undergraduate 
Student at [University name]”

βœ… Blogging

With the rise of the internet and multiple blogging platforms, writing blog posts has become a hobby for many to share their knowledge and personal experiences which will be useful to many. Writing blog posts involves many tasks like brainstorming blog post ideas, creating blog post outlines, generating SEO-optimized blog titles etc. Now let us see how to write prompts for these blogging tasks.

➑️ Generating Blog Post Ideas

Suppose you want to write a blog post on one of the buzz topics in artificial intelligence. But, you are not certain about the topic. For this, you can take help from ChatGPT by writing the following prompt


You are an expert in artificial intelligence. Provide me with unique and engaging blog post 
ideas related to artificial intelligence. 

Constraints: Suggest only five ideas related to the recent buzz topics in 
artificial intelligence. 

Blog Post Ideas:


Certainly! Here are some unique and engaging blog post ideas related to recent buzz 
topics in artificial intelligence:

1. "AI in Healthcare: Revolutionizing Medical Imaging Diagnostics"

Explore how AI-powered algorithms are transforming the field of medical imaging, from 
detecting diseases in X-rays to assisting radiologists in making accurate diagnoses.

2. "Ethical Considerations in AI: Bias, Fairness, and Accountability"

Discuss the ethical challenges and solutions in AI, focusing on addressing bias in algorithms, ensuring fairness 
in decision-making, and holding AI systems accountable for their actions.

3. "AI in Natural Language Processing: Understanding GPT-4 and Beyond"

Dive into the latest advancements in natural language processing, such as GPT-4, and their 
impact on conversational AI, content generation, and language translation.

4. "The Rise of AI-Powered Virtual Influencers: Are They the Future of Marketing?"

Explore the growing trend of virtual influencers and how AI is enabling brands to create 
realistic digital personas to engage with consumers on social media.

5. "AI in Cybersecurity: A Double-Edged Sword"

Examine the role of AI in cybersecurity, including its potential to detect and mitigate threats, 
as well as the risks associated with AI-powered cyberattacks and deepfakes.

These blog post ideas should help you create engaging content that reflects the latest trends and discussions in the field of artificial intelligence.

➑️ Generate a SEO optimized Blog Post Title

Suppose you want to write a blog post on ChatGPT, the buzz topic in artificial intelligence. You can use ChatGPT to generate a compelling title for the blog post using the following prompt.


I want to write a blog post on ChatGPT. Generate an SEO-friendly title for my blog post on 
ChatGPT that includes relevant keywords. 

Constraints: Make sure that the title contains a maximum of 10 to 15 words.

SEO-Optimized Blog Post Title: 


"Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT: Revolutionizing Conversational AI”

βœ… Proofreading and Editing

Once an article is written, the next important step is proofreading and editing. Proofreading and editing aim to fix the mistakes in the article and enhance the article’s readability. ChatLLMs with their great language skills, are a very useful tool for proofreading and editing.

Chat LLMs can quickly scan through the text content, identify typos and grammatical errors, suggest the necessary corrections, and improve sentence structure for enhanced readability. Let us see how to craft prompts effectively to use ChatLLMs for various tasks in proofreading and editing.

➑️ Grammar Correction

Assume that you want to do a grammar check for the article you have written. For this, you can get help from ChatGPT by writing the following prompt


You are an English expert who can do excellent grammar correction. Identify and correct 
any grammatical errors in the following paragraph. 

Paragraph: Social media platforms has revolutionized  way we communicate, connect, and 
consume information. These platforms, ranging from giants like Facebook and Twitter to 
niche communities like Reddit and LinkedIn, offer users unique ways to engage with content 
and each other. They serve as hubs for sharing ideas, opinions, and personal experiences, 
as well as for networking and entertainment. The influence of social media extend beyond 
personal use, impacting politics, business, and culture globally. While they offer 
unprecedented connectivity and access to information, these platforms also face 
criticism for issues like misinformation, privacy concerns, and the psychological 
effects of constant digital interaction. As such, social media remain a dynamic and 
influential part of modern life, constantly evolving in response to technological advancements 
and societal changes.

Constraints: Highlight the grammatical errors in the paragraph and then do grammar 
corrections. Just do grammar correction, don’t paraphrase any text. 


Here are the grammatical errors in the paragraph along with corrections:

Original: Social media platforms has revolutionized way we communicate, connect, and 
consume information.

Correction: Social media platforms have revolutionized the way we communicate, connect, 
and consume information.

Original: The influence of social media extend beyond personal use, impacting politics, 
business, and culture globally.

Correction: The influence of social media extends beyond personal use, impacting 
politics, business, and culture globally.

Original: As such, social media remain a dynamic and influential part of modern life, 
constantly evolving in response to technological advancements and societal changes.

Correction: As such, social media remains a dynamic and influential part of modern life, 
constantly evolving in response to technological advancements and societal changes.

➑️ Spelling Correction

Assume that you want to do a spell check and correction for the article you have written. For this, you can get help from a Chat LLM by writing the following prompt


You are an English expert who can do excellent spelling correction. Identify and correct 
any spelling errors in the following paragraph. 

Paragraph: Social media platfors have revolutionized way we communicate, connect, and 
consume information. These platforms, ranging from giants like Facebook and Twitter to 
niche communities like Reddit and LinkedIn, offer users unique ways to engage with content 
and each other. They serve as hubs for sharing ideas, opinions, and personal experiences, 
as well as for networking and entertainment. The influence of social meia extends beyond 
personal use, impacting politics, business, and culture globally. While they offer 
unprecedented connectivity and acces to information, these platforms also face criticism for 
issues like misinformation, privacy concerns, and the psychological effects of constant 
digital interaction. As such, social media remains a dynamic and influential part of modern 
life, constantly evolving in response to technological advancements and societal changes.

Constraints: Highlight the spelling errors in the paragraph and then do spelling corrections. 
Just do spelling correction, don’t paraphrase any text. 


Here are the spelling errors in the paragraph with corrections:

Original: Social media platfors

Correction: Social media platforms

Original: meia

Correction: media

Original: acces

Correction: access