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πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ“ Student Mentor


This section covers how to craft prompts to use Chat LLM as a student mentor.

Chat LLMs are usually pretrained over a huge corpus having text from various knowledge sources like books, wikipedia, websites etc. With all the knowledge gained during its pretraining, Chat LLMs can serve as good student mentors in learning new concepts, preparing for exams, learning a language etc.

For example, when preparing for exams, the student can ask Chat LLM to generate practice questions on a specific topic so that the student can solve those questions, and get good practice which eventually helps the student to perform well in the exam.

βœ… Test Preparation

As part of test preparation, the student can ask Chat LLM to generate practice questions, ask for a good preparation strategy etc.

🍿 Generate Preparation Strategy

Assume that you are preparing for the Python programming lab exam. You can ask Chat LLMs to generate an effective preparation strategy using this prompt.


You are an expert faculty teaching Python programming. I have to take the Python programming lab exam next 
month. Suggest me a good preparation strategy so that I can do well in the lab exam and score good marks. 

Constraints: Don't give a detailed explanation, just generate the preparation strategy with a very 
brief description.

Preparation Strategy:


1. Review course materials and lecture notes.
2. Practice coding exercises regularly.
3. Work on past lab assignments and projects.
4. Study Python libraries and modules used in the course.
5. Collaborate with classmates for problem-solving.
6. Use online resources for additional practice.
7. Create a cheat sheet with key concepts and syntax.
8. Take mock lab exams to simulate real test conditions.
9. Ask questions and seek clarification from the instructor.
10. Manage time effectively during the actual exam.
🍿 Generate Practice Questions

Once you get a good preparation strategy, you can ask to generate practice questions. For this, you can craft a prompt like this.


You are an expert faculty teaching Python programming. I have to take the Python programming lab exam next month. 
Generate five Python coding challenges based on lists and functions for practice. 

Constraints: Make sure that the Python coding challenges are at the beginner to intermediate level. Just generate 
the Python coding challenge statements without example inputs and outputs. 

Python Coding Challenges:


Certainly! Here are five Python coding challenges based on lists and functions for 

Challenge 1: Sum of Even Numbers.
Write a Python function that takes a list of integers as input and returns the sum of all even numbers in 
the list.

Challenge 2: Find the Second Largest Number.
Create a Python function that finds and returns the second largest number in a list of integers.

Challenge 3: Reverse Words in a Sentence
Write a Python function that takes a sentence as input and returns a new sentence with the words reversed. 
For example, "Hello World" should become "olleH dlroW".

Challenge 4: Merge Lists.
Create a Python function that takes two lists as input and merges them into a single list without duplicates.

Challenge 5: Palindrome Check.
Write a Python function that checks if a given word or phrase is a palindrome (reads the same forwards and 
backwards). Ignore spaces and punctuation in the check.

βœ… Language Learning

Nowadays, proficiency in the English language is highly useful as English is one of the most spoken languages in the world. A chatbot with all its language skills, can help in learning the language. Let us see how to craft prompts to make use of chatbots in learning the English language.

🍿 Generate Conversations

You can ask the chatbot to generate dialogues between a shopkeeper and a student who wants to buy a 200-page unruled notebook. For this, you have to craft a prompt like this


You are an expert spoken English trainer. I want to improve my spoken English skills. Generate conversational 
dialogues between a shopkeeper and a student who wants to buy a 200-page unruled notebook.


Sure, I'd be happy to help you with some conversational dialogues between a shopkeeper and a student looking 
to buy a 200-page unruled notebook.

Dialogue :

Student: Hello, I'm looking for a 200-page unruled notebook.

Shopkeeper: Good day! Certainly, we have a variety of notebooks. What size are you looking for, and do you 
have any specific preferences?

Student: I'd prefer a standard A4 size, and as for the cover, a simple design is fine.

Shopkeeper: Great! We have a few options. Here's one with a plain cover and 200 pages. Is this suitable 
for you?

Student: Yes, that looks perfect. How much does it cost?

Shopkeeper: It's priced at $5.99. Is there anything else you'd like to add?

Student: No, just the notebook, please.

Shopkeeper: Alright, that will be $5.99. Cash or card?

These dialogues should give you an idea of how to interact with a shopkeeper when purchasing a 200-page 
unruled notebook. Practice speaking and listening to similar conversations to improve your spoken English skills 

🍿 Generate Examples

You can ask the chatbot to generate five sentences using the word β€˜cultivate’. For this, you have to craft a prompt like this


You are an expert spoken English trainer. I want to learn new words in English and their usage. Generate five 
sentences using the word β€˜cultivate’ in different senses. Constraints: Make sure that the sentences are at 
beginners level and have medium length.


Sure, I'd be happy to help you learn new words. Here are five sentences using the word 'cultivate' in different 

1. Farmers cultivate the land to grow crops like wheat and corn.
2. It's essential to cultivate good habits like reading and exercising for a healthy lifestyle.
3. Sarah wants to cultivate her passion for painting by taking art classes.
4. In order to succeed in your career, you need to cultivate strong relationships with your colleagues and clients.
5. The teacher encourages students to cultivate a love for learning by making lessons engaging 
and fun.

βœ… Problem Solving

As a student, you may not improve your problem-solving skills. For this, you can ask the chatbot to generate problem-solving challenges which you can solve regularly and enhance your logical thinking and problem-solving skills.

🍿 Generate Logical Reasoning Questions


You are an expert trainer in teaching logical and verbal reasoning. Generate five logical reasoning questions. 

Constraints: Make sure that the questions are at intermediate level and medium in length.

Logical reasoning questions:


Certainly! Here are five intermediate-level logical reasoning questions for you:

Question 1:
Five friends – Alice, Bob, Carol, David, and Eve – are sitting in a row. Alice is to the left of Bob, 
but to the right of Carol. David is to the right of Eve, but to the left of Bob. Who is sitting in the 

Question 2:
In a certain code language, "APPLE" is written as "PLAPE." Using the same logic, how would you write 

Question 3:
There are three boxes labeled A, B, and C. Box A contains only red marbles, Box B contains only green marbles,
and Box C contains both red and green marbles. If you select a box at random and then randomly choose a 
marble from that box, what is the probability that you will select a red marble?

Question 4:
Four people – Alex, Ben, Chloe, and Derek – are standing in a line. They have different heights. Chloe 
is shorter than Alex but taller than Ben. Derek is taller than Alex but shorter than Chloe. Who is the tallest
 among them?

Question 5:
In a classroom, there are 25 students, including 15 girls and 10 boys. If you randomly select two students 
from the classroom, what is the probability that both of them will be boys?

🍿 Generate Solutions

You can ask the chatbot to solve verbal or logical reasoning questions so that you can cross-check your answer.


You are an expert trainer in teaching logical and verbal reasoning. Solve the given logical reasoning 
question in a step-by-step approach. 

Logical reasoning question: In a code, "REASON" is written as "SENOAR." Using the same code, how would you 
write "LOGICAL"? 

Constraints: Make sure to provide a detailed explanation while solving the question.



To solve this logical reasoning question, let's analyze the given code for the word "REASON" and then apply 
the same code to the word "LOGICAL."

Given code: "REASON" is written as "SENOAR."

Now, let's break down the transformation step by step:

1. The letters in "REASON" are R, E, A, S, O, and N.
2. In the code, the letters seem to be rearranged.
3. "R" is moved to the end, so it becomes the last letter.
4. The remaining letters are arranged in reverse order.
5. "E" becomes the first letter, followed by "A," "S," "O," and "N."

Now, let's apply the same code to the word "LOGICAL":

1. The letters in "LOGICAL" are L, O, G, I, C, A, and L.
2. Following the same pattern as in the given code:
    - "L" is moved to the end.
    - The remaining letters are arranged in reverse order.
3. So, applying the code to "LOGICAL":
    - "L" moves to the end.
    - The remaining letters "O, G, I, C, A" are rearranged in reverse order.
4. The transformed code for "LOGICAL" is "ICALOGL."

So, using the same code, "LOGICAL" is written as "ICALOGL”