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Katikapalli Subramanyam Kalyan

                       Katikapalli Subramanyam Kalyan       Research Scientist (NLP) @Akmmus AI Lab

Katikapalli Subramanyam Kalyan (shortly Kalyan KS) is a passionate NLP Researcher with over 6 years of quality research experience. He graduated with MSc Computer Science degree and also awarded a gold medal for his outstanding academic performances. After spending 4.5 years as a PhD candidate, he chose to exit without submitting thesis because of cheap and unacceptable behaviour from the department faculty. During his 4.5 years tenure as a PhD candidate, he published papers in top tier journals and conferences which received over 200 citations.

Because of strong passion and love towards NLP research, he established "Akmmus AI" an independent NLP-focused AI research lab. The research lab is named in the memory of his close friend "Ammu". The main objective of Akmmus AI lab is to do cutting edge research in large language models and the relevant topics. To summarize,

  • NLP Researcher with over 6 years of quality research experience.

  • Received citations from papers published by researchers from top institutes like Stanford, MIT, Harvard, CMU, IIT Madras, NTU Singapore etc.

  • Received citations from papers published by researchers from top companies like Google, DeepMind, Microsoft, Twitter etc.

  • Served in the program committees of top conferences like ACL and top symposiums like ML4H.

  • Research interests: large language models and the relevant topics.

If you want to stay updated with the latest trends related to Generative AI, LLMs & Prompt Engineering, you can follow Kalyan KS

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